Monday 24 June 2013


Art has always been about communication. The ‘EARTH’ without ‘ART’ is just ‘EH...’( see what I did there?). From the ancient cave wall paintings by cave men, or aliens, to the now functional and universally accepted use of a matchstick man in a cape to show where women can go to relieve themselves.

For the artist, art is an avenue to express oneself, speaking out without talking, if you may. The Beauty of it all being you don’t have to be schooled to understand art. Many people believe in asking an Artist what he means in a piece. Honestly, this gets on my nerves as an Artist. It’s like if I scribbled down the words ‘I like ducks’ and you start asking me what I meant by that... “I meant I like ducks, Dammit! It’s nothing philosophical, I...Just ...Like ...Ducks!”  No really, I do like ducks but that’s a story for another day. What I’m trying to say is; people don’t try to feel Art as much. That feeling you get when you first look at a painting? The artist has worked really Hard to make sure you get that feeling. Going on to ask him what he meant is completely Rude and feels like getting kicked in the balls (bursting his Bubbles)... Well for me that’s how it feels.
So next time you find yourself in an Art Exhibition or gallery. Try to feel what it is the artist is trying to communicate. All the fun is in deciphering the Artist’s Puzzle. It’s very satisfying for an Artist when an audience is able to capture exactly what he meant to communicate. It gives Art a reason to exist, a function... a sense. So don’t talk... just look...
And remember... Ducks!


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