Monday 17 June 2013


In a world where I was told there are a Billion opportunities as I was growing up, I am realizing I was shielded a lot as a little girl. What I’m getting at is the Billion frustrations our parents sort of 'Forgot' to mention. Yea,lets go with that.This is a conversation I have heard so many people talk about. Be it in buses, at home,on the streets, you name it. The other day I was in a ma3 and I couldn’t help but overhear one passenger say to the other, “ Heh, Afadhali sasa Lydia amepata kazi,hata kama ni voluntary inamshikilia”. You getting the picture now??...
So Lacy,my pal,who graduated last year was going at it the other day, “About a month ago I sent my resume to 15 different companies advertising job openings on and nothing, not even a confirmation that they received it”. Harsh,right?
Frustrations! Frustrations! Frustrations! It’s been the case with most of our graduates. You have all these dreams and possibilities while in school, Hell you can even dream of being a Princess (but give that up ladies, only Kate Middleton lived to see her fairy tale come true, ‘Happy ever after’ as they say, plus I doubt the queen would favor a black princess for Prince Harry) …..and after graduation nothing! Complete and absolute Zero. You stay home and forget to say A-Z as they follow each other. Tony,the other day went for an interview with his first class upper degree and his CPA section 6 complete and was told he is ‘Overqualified’. The smug, arrogant look on the interviewer’s face who you can bet is underachieved, gave him ideas, like punching the guy in the face but oh well, cool it Tony. So what’s the alternative after you leave school with your degree, start your own business?... Where’s the capital? Continue being hopeful? ….Is hope planted on trees? …We can go harvest ourselves some and ensure it doesn’t run out.
I hear getting a job is one’s luck nowadays. To be honest the sound of that scares me, it gives me no sense of security, not even a false one. I have always been a smart girl (I think) and riding on that I see “Possibilities” but luck? I wasn’t even lucky to get a kid when I was in form two, you know when form ones come and form twos take care of them until they get used to the system, we picked them using a yes- no secret system and if you missed a kid in my school you were considered Barren! So you see…Anyway we’ll make it, we are told,’To every misery there is an end’... Deuces!
By Natera.

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