Monday 24 June 2013


Culture Shock is real,Oh yes it is,so much so that if you realize that you are a victim, you might just be ‘Shock’ed as well.It’s all about Experience as Johnny,a 2nd year student in K.U explains. You know those storohs that can really get your attention and drag you to a world of teary laughter?? Johnny`s is one such tale. He had his own ‘Life Cycle’.  Boy did he have dreams of breaking it. Well,his cycle was that of being born  in the village, schooling in the village primoh then joining the village secoh and if he happened to secure a chance of joining colleh, he would join the village Youth Poly. He would then go ahead and marry a mama’h from the village before she even gets to secoh, have like 10 kidos, go to work erryday on his Black Mamba and when his Dad ‘kicks the buckoh’ he inherits his share of land,some cows,chicken,goats e.t.c and continues with his life…in the village. When he dies, he would still be buried in the village under some Banana tree behind their mabati and mbao hao.
Joining K.U was a big step in Johnny`s life since he managed to break his life`s cycle…Luckily!...Travelling to the ‘Big City’ was such a BIG Adventure for him…wait,scratch that…is K.U even in the city?...Oh well,its close!...Aaaaanywho,this brought forth a number of changes in his life and made him understand what it means to be ‘Exposed’. Johnny had never experienced  life in an urban setting,okay then,Near an urban setting. Among the few things Johnny enjoyed sharing, were his storohs on the use of Sinks. He never knew he would once brush his teeth then spit the dirt out thru a sink. ‘Kuuliza si ujinga’ was his motto so he never spared the chance of asking questions, and so during his first visit to the Gents at Longonot Hostels, he asked a guy about the use of the ‘Basin-like’ structures attached to the walls. The fellow ignored him and went away sniggering to himself. Johhny was left staring at the “Sinks” as if he expected them to start explaining their use to him….Oh,Poor Guy!
And that’s just a sneak-peek of his Story.He never fears to share it out to as many students with the same experience, and he is proud of it(Oddly enough). Next time I’ll tell you more about our ‘Village Boy’ Johnny!

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