Monday 17 June 2013


There she go out of the office with her extra tight,extra short grey dress and along with her go a dozen pair of oogling eyes…Who’s she?...I’ll give you a clue but first ladies close your eyes and dudes…well it goes without saying…OPEN THEM WIDE! So here’s the clue, she’s  ‘pretty’ tall- 5”6, 5’’7 (about Riri’s height), well endowed and (s)assy, I mean the Bootylicious kind that Beyonce sings about, super super  super rich and the boobs?…quite luscious if I must say, n dude No!, it’s NOT Nikki Minaj in a porn clip that you have been waiting for, Nkt!.... Since it appears I will be here the whole day if I don’t say who it is I might as well come out and say it-The ideal Boss in a campus dude’s mind!You know, the ones you conjure up during boring Calculus lessons on a hot,lazy afternoon after eating ugali sosa.
 Just a by the way, I was talking to a dude pal of mine the other day (don’t worry Ben names won’t be mentioned…Oops!) and he goes like: “By the way, Tera, I hope I get a HOOOT Mama’h  for a Boss,yaani  when she’s busy talking to me am busy checking out her curves, I want someone laid back, not those strict, stone faced ladies who remind you of your Mum when she was teteshaing you, you know what I mean?” Funny thing, in dude’s minds the fantasy always ends with them “Getting” with this sexy, young(rememba-in their heads not reality) Bosslady. Talk about having Game*Cough*. But here’s the thing about sexy Bosses, they sort of remain in your head for like uuuum forever and have a tendency of not going so far from there. In other words they are rare if any, actually I’d say they are non-existent. Check out thegood ones left instead, buckle up boys It’s gonna be a looooong hard ride after Campoh… *wink*
Hehehe…now don’t you just wanna  “Get” with that??
                                                                By Natera.