Thursday 13 June 2013



Dark and cold
Swallowed by your glamour and gold
 I am the flipside of redemption
Trapped in your bewildering temptation
I am a legion, lost in a facade of happiness .

You gave me honey
Pure undisputed glory in the eyes of many
But alas a slave to my real being
Bound in shackles by stereotypical rulings
Holding at bay the monster that I alone am brewing,

Is it wrong to dream?
To live beyond the stereotypical realm?
I fathom what only you can reveal
You the holder of what our fate is to be
The beauty that has men crawling on their knees
Forever enamored by your seraphic beauty
The dark mystery of what fate keeps for me,

Well now I have decided to defy the odds
Am going to be bold and start living my life large
Even though I don’t know what the future will hold
Am going to ask her to be mine and I will take charge.
                                                       By Anthony Musee.

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