Monday 17 June 2013


Hope you Beautiful guyz are doing Great…The other day I was travelling to a faaaaar faar away land and when I got here I couldn't help but notice that the people where I come from  are completely diffrent when it comes to their Fashion Style(Ssssh don’t tell ‘em I said this).I mean,the young people here have a sense of it,ALOT if I might add. Think about it,when you walk around Tao one can't help but notice the floral pants,the colourful sheer shirts,the vintage tops and the Shoes? Ah-Mazing, simply lovely!The colored pants that  I love so much are stunning  and to think of how the color blocking theme has been fabulous.I mean ,one can't help but appreciate these Gorge people.And how they pull it off so eazeh you’d think these guyz all have Stylists.Even tho’ there are a few consufed people here and there in the streets its safe to say Swag has been replaced with Style. The screaming colors that were once thought to be unbelievable to go through together are scrumptious to look at today.
My coming here has been a very Eye-opening experience. I wouldn't know some things you know and If I had,It would have been a tad bit too late for me. I love everything here and its what I call my piece of Earthly Happiness.From the studded to the animal print  through to the bright $ bold  colors. So guys don’t be afraid to try out clad coz its tooo bright or tooo colourful.As long as you feel comfortable in it and have fashionable pals whose opinion you can trust -Go out there and risk it,standing out is all about the risks.
The best part of it all is how we can get these Bee-you-tee-ful outfits at very n I mean VEEERY cheap prices which is preety fair considering that we can't all be of the same financial status. Am telling you people come here and begin to embrace fashion like it's the End of the World(I confess,am one of them).  It's simply amazing how Nai can make people open their ‘Fashion Eyes’...I call it ‘THE NAIROBI EFFECT!
Stay safe dolls :)…. Love,MERCY.

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