Saturday 29 June 2013


For quite some time,it’s been clear knowledge to most the ‘Beef’  between USIU and JKUAT. Apparently guys from JKUAT just Looooooove trespassing into USIU property and that happens to rub them the wrong way. However, guys from JKUAT argue that it usually is unmarked territory. What can I say?Piss on it like the Wild Animals to mark your ground? I’m talking about Clubs and basic Hang-out joints around USIU.
 I know for a fact that suggesting a truce is out of the question. ‘Juja Boys’ could try ‘making do’ with what they got back home or guys from USIU could try sucking it up and sharing. Either way I think the fight outbreaks are far from over. So buckle up bar-owners, your in for a long ride of mass destruction or should I say Vandalism. What’s the grand price really after having a fist connect with your skull? ...Who knows perhaps that’s the new way of ascertaining manhood…Funny thing is, after such brawls, no side wins. They just keep eyeing each other as if their eyes convey the message…there’s more where that came from…talk about telepathic capabilities. 
So here’s the thing boys (and no I ain’t addressing our dear Juja boys only) every girl ‘enjoys’ watching sweaty, muscular and unsavory men get at each other (why do you think we watched wrestling when little?),so ‘Boys’,do keep at it!
By Natera

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