Saturday 29 June 2013


For quite some time,it’s been clear knowledge to most the ‘Beef’  between USIU and JKUAT. Apparently guys from JKUAT just Looooooove trespassing into USIU property and that happens to rub them the wrong way. However, guys from JKUAT argue that it usually is unmarked territory. What can I say?Piss on it like the Wild Animals to mark your ground? I’m talking about Clubs and basic Hang-out joints around USIU.
 I know for a fact that suggesting a truce is out of the question. ‘Juja Boys’ could try ‘making do’ with what they got back home or guys from USIU could try sucking it up and sharing. Either way I think the fight outbreaks are far from over. So buckle up bar-owners, your in for a long ride of mass destruction or should I say Vandalism. What’s the grand price really after having a fist connect with your skull? ...Who knows perhaps that’s the new way of ascertaining manhood…Funny thing is, after such brawls, no side wins. They just keep eyeing each other as if their eyes convey the message…there’s more where that came from…talk about telepathic capabilities. 
So here’s the thing boys (and no I ain’t addressing our dear Juja boys only) every girl ‘enjoys’ watching sweaty, muscular and unsavory men get at each other (why do you think we watched wrestling when little?),so ‘Boys’,do keep at it!
By Natera

Thursday 27 June 2013


Before I critiq this movie,those guys who don't know that you can watch the latest movies in IMAX for a sok,2sok or 350 should visit their official facebook page-IMAX Kenya.
So...after the crew of 'The Enterprise' find an unstoppable force of terror within their organization,Captain Kirk leads a manhunt to a warzone planet(Kronos) to capture the fugitive who is played by...*Drumroll*...Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock from 'Sherlock' the series)...
This movie is soooo worth your money.The script is just so awesome,the action scenes are engaging especially coz its 3D,and the actors deliver...Definately a movie worth your Time and Money...

Director:The Gifted J.J Abrams.


(Lqtm),Is it only me or do you guys find this Title pretty funny?...Anywho,House of Lungula is a Local  Comedy touching on the Sexual Habits of many a naughty Kenyan. This Comedy is based on ‘True Stories’ or rather ‘Events’, that take place in and outside our daily lives. This movie is set to be on the Big Screens early this July.
This Awesome Comedy will be starring some common household names: Ian Mbugua, Lizz Njagah, Gerald Langiri, Sarah Hassan, Helena Waithera, Lenana Kariba, Gitau Ngogoyo, Nice Githinji, Diana Nekoye, Lydia Gitachu, Auma Njagah, Sheila Kwamboka and Alex Konstantaras.
Filmed by:John Wambugu.
Directed by: Alex Konstantaras, Lizz Njagah,& Aggie  Nyagari.
Sound by Naftali Wambugu.
You can watch the trailer here.
Start preparing for the cinemas early,don’t say that you dint know!
 By Jay Mwaniki.

Wednesday 26 June 2013


For the last three months, I have had the privilege of possessing,okay,using two entry-level top Smartphones: Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 and Nokia Lumia 620. Having used the two Bad Boys, I have been left with a different outlook in the context of their features, performance and sophistication. But most importantly, I have liked what both the handsets, touted as among the top players on the smartphone scene have to offer. 
I’ll use this article kinda like an interactive infographic by outlining and contrasting these two Smartphones. By doing so, you will be able to see which features are better on which phone.
In essence, the Nokia Lumia 620 shows us that a good Smartphone does not have to be wallet-denting. Picking it up gives a sensation that you are holding something of High Class, and yet find it so effortlessly operatable. But be cautioned,using it for the first time will prove to be a complex thing something only next to operating a nuclear plant. After sometime tho’, you will find its Fluid Tab Interface much more easy to use….So here goes-The Lumia VS. The Ace…
                      NOKIA LUMIA 620.                                                         SAMSUNG GALAXY ACE 2.
Display:      800x480 Pixel resolution.                                             800x480 Pixel resolution.
                    (Richer color,better contrast,finer image.)
Storage:    8GB Internal Memory.                                                   4GB Internal Memory.
                    MicroSD capacity upto 64 GB.                                      MicroSD capacity upto 32 GB.
Performance: 1GHZ Dual-core processor.                                     800MHZ ST Ericsson Nova Thor U8500
                          512MB RAM…(waaay Faster.)                                Dual-core processor.   
Operating System:  Windows 8.                                                      Android 2.3 Gingerbread Version.
Last words.
For the most part, the Lumia 620 appears to be the best alternative. It’s more appealing, faster,features better multitasking capabilities and has more storage (both built-in and through cards).
On the other hand,the Galaxy Ace 2 is a mixed cocktail. It is the least good looking smartphone around and the built-in storage is reasonably low. But it has the Android OS which means more Apps., a modest display and processor. It’s a phone that will no doubt offer a great experience for the Simple people  tho’.
If somebody is looking for a phone that will offer a great deal more for his money, then obviously the Nokia Lumia 620 will be a good choice.

Monday 24 June 2013


Art has always been about communication. The ‘EARTH’ without ‘ART’ is just ‘EH...’( see what I did there?). From the ancient cave wall paintings by cave men, or aliens, to the now functional and universally accepted use of a matchstick man in a cape to show where women can go to relieve themselves.

For the artist, art is an avenue to express oneself, speaking out without talking, if you may. The Beauty of it all being you don’t have to be schooled to understand art. Many people believe in asking an Artist what he means in a piece. Honestly, this gets on my nerves as an Artist. It’s like if I scribbled down the words ‘I like ducks’ and you start asking me what I meant by that... “I meant I like ducks, Dammit! It’s nothing philosophical, I...Just ...Like ...Ducks!”  No really, I do like ducks but that’s a story for another day. What I’m trying to say is; people don’t try to feel Art as much. That feeling you get when you first look at a painting? The artist has worked really Hard to make sure you get that feeling. Going on to ask him what he meant is completely Rude and feels like getting kicked in the balls (bursting his Bubbles)... Well for me that’s how it feels.
So next time you find yourself in an Art Exhibition or gallery. Try to feel what it is the artist is trying to communicate. All the fun is in deciphering the Artist’s Puzzle. It’s very satisfying for an Artist when an audience is able to capture exactly what he meant to communicate. It gives Art a reason to exist, a function... a sense. So don’t talk... just look...
And remember... Ducks!



My ‘Holier-than-thou’ conscience is busy looking for a one liner pun to kick start my lecture. Hmmmmn,where to start?....There’s a sticky pool of drool on the floor. The whole place is a Crime Scene and it stinks to the high-heavens,this must be where your drunken carcass hit the ground.(Exhibit A) .
“Your ‘onor (to my nagging conscience) I plead guilty of  all charges. I can’t help it, am a sucker for free Booze and Horny chicks,well,who isn’t??I mean,am jus being a real man!…’’ and the trial began…Enter the witnesses; a ring in my head, a chorus of sorts from last night that goes “Chug! Chug! Chug!Chug!’’….Then, my dear beloved nemesis and friendly foe-the bittersweet taste in my mouth of some Tooootally wrong concoction…Aaaaaah,Migraine!
I remember looking into ‘The Barrel of a Gun’(Obviously I can’t tell you I was looking into the opening of a Jug filled with a brownish funny looking mixture).The scent was of cheap booze and the liquid was made of some mysterious unnamed ingredients I hear are even illegal in most of the southern European countries including Amsterdam( Yes,that Stoner heaven that is on my before-death-to-do-list )…And then,Lights Out!...*Total Darkness*… Like I said ‘The Barrel of a Gun’!.
I gather the little remaining shreds of my Ego and Pride, torn to bits by that evil little Devil on my shoulder. Heck,after last night I must be the evil little Devil on the Devil’s shoulders….Juvenile Delinquent!...Am theat guy,yes,that guy my mum tells my friends to stay away from…I try to stand up holding my head in place but it feels like a tennis ball damned to face the wrath and fury of Venus William’s racket.Have you seen the Biceps on that woman?!Poor little tennis ball…L. I tap on my pockets to gather what’s left from the scrambles of last nights expenditures. Drunk me was a Luo jamaa, quite generous given a little Cleavage here and a Pout there, ’’Bartender,sida iko wapi?..nasema wote wapewe…WOTE!!!’’ ….(Exhibit B!)….Your ‘onor am too weak inside,will you please have pity on my poor damned soul??…L
‘’What’s  this?” I stumble upon a ruffle of paper in my jackoh, a note perhaps?? That means at least fifty bob, that could get me home. Yes,home,Mom’s cooking today, Satoh means it’s ingoho, my half Luhya stomach rumbles in anticipation. That,and a few episodes of ‘Family Guy’ should get me back in my normal mental shape for Monday’s lectures. What luck! It’s a hundred bob, that means there’s room for Painkillers and Mints! I take one quick scan around-Vince is lying under the table waiting to hitch a ride…to the morgue perhaps? I stumble over some victims of last night’s tragedy. I think to myself if an Alcoholic Nuclear Bomb went off ,the Radioactivity could cause ‘Multiple Brain Cell Degeneration’ among everyone including the survivors but this Generation??,I don’t think so!...
The music is awesome, the TV works and my phone has Angry Birds and Temple Run and other cool games.Thank Goodness..I’ll be okay…J
I wake Vince up. He lets out a lazy grunt and opens his Blood-red eyes.He gives in to my threats of calling his Mom and I chuckle gleefully. He gets up,dusts himself,looks around, cracks a malevolent grin like a politician watching a You tube Video of himself getting away with Public Funds n goes like…”Last night man was INSAAAANE!’’
“So Neville,what do you have to say for yourself?Is all this worth it?’’ nags my conscience.
“Your ‘onor, am simply too damn young to give a *Censored*’’
