Friday 5 July 2013


The concept of whole person health involves incorporation of all aspects of lifestyle that is diet, exercise, substance use, stress levels and the like. There is an undoubted connection between lifestyle and quality and length of life. All these aspects as stated are all in one’s power. You choose what you ingest and how you live your life hence the term  “health by choice not by chance”.
 A good diet is one of the key elements  leading to health and longevity but its not the only factor. We need to keep our bodies in good shape too hence comes in the aspect of exercise and keeping fit which not only enhances good physical but also mental health. We also have to keep our body systems in good conditions meaning avoiding poisons like alcohol and other drugs which give your body extra work of detoxifying hence wearing one’s body tissues making them age faster. This leads to development of various lifestyle diseases which are currently increasing at an alarming rate and causing a good number of  deaths.
A step by step review of various aspects of our diets and lifestyles while we are young largely dictate the kind of life we will live in the years to come. It may sound simple but its actually difficult and requires a lot of sacrifice. Make it a routine….routine becomes a habit which becomes incorporated into your lifestyle and will help you avoid a number of unnecessary medical expenses.

The choice is in your hands, What will you do???  

Sophia Mogaka

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