Wednesday 24 July 2013


So here is 'The Dummies Guide To Wearing Harem Pants',if you find it a tad bit shallow yu myt as well go wryt yo own,Ok?..Good!
1.Yu DO NOT wear ‘Harem Pants’ that are too 'Deep' nor too 'Shallow'.Yu will look more consufed than the pants themselves…
2.Not all body shapes can accommodate this awesome pants...sorry sista,keep to yo odinary pants.

If you do not follow this two rules do not,by any means leave your house or its premises,stay inside until you find something else to wear,ata ka it means yo mum’s clothes,am sure they’d look better if they fit yu well…coz the nauseating effect that is brought about by ladies not knowing how to rock harem pants is nowea near pleasant.NOWEA!
N I noticed Nai mamahs don’t have guts but they sure do know how to look nys.But,ladies,ladies the only way to turn heads n keep em reeling is to rock sth nobody else can,be daring and risk,but don’t forget the best thing you could ever wear is Confidence!

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