Thursday 15 August 2013


The time now reads 7pm on a Luo guy’s expensive time piece (I don’ know who the luo guy is.Who? Ati me?  Flattered really) cold sweat is running down the foreheads of the Worried Mothers of Nairobi.The guy with the expensive watch which half of Kenya’s population can’t afford thinks to himself moments from now how the streets are going to be the breeding ground for an evil so scary and so sinister even the Sun had to run from it. In a house somewhere still in Nairobi there’s a battle like that 300 movie, you know "This is Sparta!!’’ and all, between a mother and his teenage child about why he can’t stay out late and party like the Luo guy does so much...There’s babies crying, cups breaking on walls with high velocity impact, explosives (made of insults and provocative words, a "sufuria hii!" here a "you’re not the boss of me" there) like that Hiroshima catastrophe which the Luo guy maintains could happen again if all those sumo wrestlers fart at the same time, and I agree with him because he knows everything. Laugh away but you will remember him when it happens.
At around 2145hrs the Luo guy finds himself in the company of some fine mamas (only way he knows how fellaz, only way) minutes from now he’ll be drunk talking using subtitles and getting grinded like pepper by one or all of the fine mamas (because his cousins’ neighbors’ nephew’s father’s penpal from K’ogello said Yes he can). Lemme take you back to when he first started raeving. I was clueless back then and too drunk to notice (yes am the Luo guy, you got me). I lost quite a number of those wars I mentioned earlier but in my defense my mother only missed the cast on 300 because she made the other 299 Spartans cry (you don’t want to yell commands and kicking people into bottomless pits with an exposed bottom). Finally when I learnt how to lie I got my first raev night and I fell in love with the night (insert dramatic thunder sound.)
So for the beginners(who am sure are quite a few) out there,here are a few pointers.Know why you want to do it, you wouldn’t want to get caught and get your butt smacked inside out (assuming you are not of legal age) using something that you never not once pictured being smacked by for a reason like my friends do it too.
Also its good to have some extra cash, aside from what you plan on spending, for emergencies; Nairobi’s finest blue uniforms hustling guys without I.D's.To get a cab in case your too drunk to jav home alone, or for the fellaz if the booze gets you somewhere near Jeevanjee window shopping and you wanna touch (what, do I have to wink for you to get it? Try and keep up because I have to be discreet for the editor and all). As for me I keep my emergency cash in my expensive shoes or rather, expensive socks.
Don’t forget to know your music taste also. You don’t want to get yourself stuck in a club with music you don’t like so know what music is playing where. However with the right amount of alcohol you won’t really notice, any music is good music.
Learn how to dance. If you can’t talk to me. I have over the years perfected the "stand by the speakers and nod your head to the beat".
Wear something comfortable also. A tee shirt, shorts, a jacket or sweater for the cold, flats for the ladies are recommended. Wear something that allows you to move freely. Here’s a universal test for the ladies conducted and recommended by professionals. While wearing what you intend to raev with, shift your upper body to make an acute angle with your torso such that the tip of your fingers graze the floor. If your outfit tears, change it. (I bet you didn’t notice how perverted that was)
Try not to be too shy. It’s your first time and all but it won’t kill you to loosen up a bit dance a little talk to people who don’t look like serial killers from an Afrocinema flick. Alcohol can help with this however don’t feel obligated to drink if you don’t want to you can still have a good time.
Lastly and I can’t stress this enough, please make an effort to SHOWER! Good luck!
(Drops microphone and exists)


Wednesday 7 August 2013


Typical Monday morning, standing at the bus terminal chewing your tongue like a jaw breaker .why? You are 15 minutes late for work .trying to convince yourself that it’s worth it because u spent the time freshening up, ideally bursting pimples, changing ties and what not. Then that bus u loath arrives n out of habit u spit out of hate then as you follow your spit you notice that the exhaust is aimed right at your junk. The engine is still running. You start going NO! NO! NOoo! Not my junk! And the driver pulls that hypothetical trigger and Pooof! your cologne is toped up. Now you smell faintly of nivea for men, sweat and second hand diesel smoke.
U have no time to worry about that so you race to the entrance n shield anyone from entering while you wait for the passengers to alight and that’s when a familiar stench it reminds you of the day you witnessed a person being lynched to death that’s when  you notice the source. It’s a passenger’s head .Gosh! You never knew a head could smell so bad. Then the bus finally clears but you have trouble getting in. the guy to your right is elbowing you with quite some determination and the one to your left has his hand on your face with the pinky almost in one of your nostril .This old timers never learn and that’s when you use the card up your sleeve, the crackens breath. You spray them with a generous amount of your morning breath the sole reason you brush at work and not at home. One of the women cups her face and quite looks like she is crying. It worked, the people get off you and you get in and sit next to the conductor. Bad idea.
Now everybody passes by brushing their bums against you .that’s when you notice one of those slim possible kind of women coming up the steps. The conductor giggles at your effort to squeeze into his seat as he playfully resists and the inevitable happens. The woman literally wipes her a** with your face for what looks like eternity and your face loses its shine .what we call (kuparara)
Then the conductor jingles his coins as his way of saying “where my money at biaches!” you hand him a thousand shilling note. He looks at you , makes a fist and thrusts it back and forth .i understand that’s his way of saying  F U or rather ‘skumiwa’ and he disappears at the back. The bus makes a stop and in come three passengers two ladies and a barabara preacher you know the kind that hitch hikes and force fully give u the word n it aint your decision . You stand to let one of the ladies occupy the vacant conductors seat but they both go in and you are left with only enough chair to handle one of your but-cheeks but they are ladies so u sit and the preacher goes for it.
He says something about how god created all men equal with none more brilliant than other. It’s no secret that he is ruining Maina and King’ang’i in the morning but you listening going, oh yea then why was Solomon so wise huh? And the idea builds in your head from the gazzilion wives and countless concubines’ .seriously the guy was an animal.
Then you notice a commotion at the back .the conductor is arguing with a young lady. That is until she mumbled something that started with a (K) and ended with (mamako). That got all the older ladies all mashed up .and the men, the men were kinda aroused. The kodi kodi walks t the door and frantically attacks it with a large 5 shilling coin as if trying to create another flat surface and the lady walks out and you notice that that’s also your stop and you rush out too. You turn just in time to catch the conductor’s fist moving back and forth as the bus drives off and you remember. CHANGE!!!...ooooh balls!

Monday 5 August 2013


If you have heard his track Stereo Love then you know why you should get a ticket to this MEGA event hosting Edward Maya himself.
This is the first International Act from Bucharest,Romania in a concert here in Nairobi by Limelight Entertainment.

Edward Maya is a Romanian musician, producer, performer, and composer. He graduated from George Enescu Music High School in Bucharest and is currently a final year student at the Bucharest Conservatory.
Albums:  Desert Rain.
Nominations:  Juno Award for Dance Recording of the Year.
Tracks :  This Is My Life   Next Door  Nostalgy   Stereo Love

Venue:           NGONG RACECOURSE
Date:              31st august 2013
Time:              6pm 31st AUG to 6am 1st SEPT
Age limit:       Strictly 18+  

VIP TICKETS-5000/= Private Service Complimentary drinks and food included.

SONYA- 0701388057
SANJ GRAFIX- 0721606254
Make a date with this BIG night.

Thursday 1 August 2013

2013/14 will be an EXPLOSIVE SEASON

This looks to be the most explosive season in a long time.Players are in movement in and out of premier league clubs but this is nothing new,but the shifts in management has been massive this summer.All the top clubs in the English Premier League have changed managers,Manchester United,Chelsea,Manchester City.Most notably was the retirement of Sir Alex Ferguson,its going to be an unusual sight not to have the legendary gum chewing,charismatic,motivational manager after two decades at the helm where he enjoyed great success,stability.Manchester United were so lucky to have such stability.

Out with the old, in with the new
New boss, David Moyes

This may be viewed by many as a wise decision,however a great challenge lies ahead for the Scot.He will surely have to try to much Fergie’s success.However Moyes enjoyed so much stability at Everton with very little financial base and now coming to one of the richest clubs in the world, will surely be an added advantage.His tactics will be put to test on the 1st day as they face Laudrap’s boys from Wales, "Swanselona".

Return of special one

or is it the happy one?
This is a ferocious result oriented manager,on his presentation as Chelsea manager Mourinho proclaimed himself as "the happy one", and gave us a new look personality of calmness,but I can assure you,it’s the old Mourinho we all know.Will he achieve his dream of returning to Stamford Bridge with a title?

Arsenal’s Ambition
Eight years later,Arsenal seems to have got it right,for the first time they are ready to spend big,having been linked with big name signings such as Rooney,Fellaini,Suarez.Arsenal is the only top club that has not changed management,enjoying stability.Things seems to be changing drastically at Emirates,will they finally clinch the title?

Out goes Mancini in comes Manuel Pellegrini
new City boss Manuel Pellegrini

Out goes Roberto Mancini,in comes Pellegrini(Ex Real Madrid and Malaga coach) already knowing what fate awaits him should he fail to deliver the club’s expectations,surely the Citizens are out to prove a point,having spent billions in the transfer market,they will be out to prove why they won the 2011/2012 campaign. Pellegrini comes in with Navas,Fernadinho,Jovetic,Negredo .He must place his team in a title winning mode.Will he win it on his debut season?

Gareth Bale Saga
a combination to savour

This is the most sought player in UK,I call him a machine,the best winger in the world at the moment,this guy can simply change any game,he produces that extra quality needed to win matches,he could stay put after all though am skeptical of the result. How can he play in the UEFA Europa League when he knows he has received offers from Real Madrid,Manchester United. Should Bale stay put at Tottenham, and improve on his already deadly form, I can assure you that you can put your money on spurs.

Liverpool's make or break season
The honeymoon is over for Brendan Rodgers,and its time Liverpool goes back to winning ways and particularly to Champions League football,with Luis Suarez forcing an exit and without a successor, a lot is expected from Brendan Rodgers boys however they have beefed up their team with the likes of Kolo Toure, Countinho, Aspas.

Surely its going to be an explosive season.

By Michael .N. Murigi